South Mount Hebron - there is no going out or coming from Area A, all entrances are closed

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya
כביש 60 - חסימות. רכבים ננעלו ונלקחו להם המפתחות על ידי הצבא

The second day of Ramadan.

We passed through Meitar late in the morning, along with us many Bedouin vehicles traveling towards Dahariya, a traffic jam at the checkpoint.

We met Shafiq, a taxi driver from Dahariya at the checkpoint. Shafik reports that in his estimation only 1 percent and perhaps less than the 8,000 workers who passed through the checkpoint every day are moving to Israel these days. He estimates that there are no more than 50 Palestinians crossing the checkpoint.

On Route 60 we watched a settler on a horse herding his sheep in the Palestinian Zanuta.

Farhan from Simia informs us that all exits and entrances to the road, including Samu’, are closed.

Every day the entrances to Route 60 are checked and closed by the army.

There is no exiting or entering from A areas, all entrances are closed, everything.

We see locked vehicles at the exits to Route 60. It turns out that the army takes the keys of the vehicles trying to get on the road, does not return the keys to the vehicle owners, so it takes a few days until a tow truck arrives and loads the vehicle back to Area A.