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אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר

יום ב' 30.7.07, בוקר

liat - test


Hazaytim (Olives) - northwest end of Al Ezariya, at foot
of At-Tur. Intended only for pedestrians holding Jerusalem ID cards and other
appropriate permits. Site has shed and turnstiles that pass people into
sophisticated terminal. Checkpoint is distant from centre of life of suburbs
east of Wall, and access is difficult.

Pishpash - no more than a narrow gap between
concrete plates of the Separation Wall. Used by schoolchildren and nearby residents
with Jerusalem ID cards, whose names appear on soldiers'

Sheikh Saed - district is part of West Sawahira (that also includes Jebel Mukaber),
separated from each other when Wall will be completed. Sheikh Saed has only one
entry/exit blocked by rocks since 2002, so passage is only for pedestrians.

יום ה' 26.7.07, בוקר

Sima S, Chana H (reporting)

Translation: L. Williams  

15:00 Aanin Checkpoint
The gate is already open and only 15 people and children, with two donkeys and two tractors, are waiting to return from the Seam Zone to the village. The soldiers are holding all the IDs and permits collected in the morning when people went to work, and are now returning them. A young man with permits returns together with his 13 year old brother. He contends that the brother was allowed to pass with him in the morning, without listing and ID, and now the soldiers won`t permit the child to return unless he produces to them his mother`s ID and permit (the father died a few years ago). But the mother does not have such a permit. She after all does not work in agriculture and the sons work with their uncle. They also do not allow the youngster to phone from the area of the checkpoint.
Up to the hour of closing, the soldiers repeatedly phoned somewhere, and were adamant about the mother`s documents. Suddenly, at 15:35, they relented and let the youngster and his brother return home. Another youngster who passed in the morning, and his ID remained in his possession, arouses suspicion and is detained for clarification.

A young man, with ID but no transit permit, had gone out a few days ago, and is now not permitted to pass immediately and he is eventually let through after debate up to the moment of closing the gate. None of the three soldiers speaks Arabic, and it was lucky that Sima was there and could serve as interpreter. 

15:45 Shaked (Tura)
The checkpoint gatesinfo-icon are open, with no passers by. Seven soldiers sit, bored, in the makeshift office.  

15:55 Rihan (Bartaa)
In the Palestinian parking lot, we met a resident of Anin who told us that, this morning, a hundred men came to the checkpoint, wanting to pass, but only 25 passed by 08:00 because the soldiers worked slowly. That perhaps explains how few were returning. According to him, on Monday when there was a shift of ours, it was okay. He also said that they confiscated the transit passes of four Aanin residents and sent them to the DCO to get new permits, since they hadn`t returned from the Seam Zone (or Israel) on the day they went out.

Three pick up trucks with agricultural produce are being checked in the closed compound. A few vehicles are passing under regular procedure from the West Bank to the Seam Zone.
16:00: workers are beginning to return to the West Bank. Seems that there is a hitch in the terminal. Only one station is working, there is crowding and slow transit.
16:15: the soldiers transfer to another station and the pressure lets up. Time taken to transit the terminal is 15 minutes.. 


יום ה' 26.7.07, בוקר

Idit N., Noam K., Mili M. (reporting)

A very quite morning. Not many vehicles and in general they are let thorough with very little checking. Two transits are detained, the soldiers hardly let us approach for questions, when they finally do they caution me that the drivers had left home at 3 am and because of my "interference" they will be detained longer, they do finally tell me that they are being checked and have been there only a few minutes, after a few minutes more they are let go.


We had very little to do and decided to go to Qalandia, this can be turned into a regular shift.


Qalandia: 8.30

Very big queues at the external as well as the internal turnstiles. The policeman in charge tells us that all five entrances are opened, one man from the queue claims that  the policeman is lying and proved by trying to get through entrance no. 3 and being turned back. We call the Humanitarian line, and pretty soon entrance paasage is allowed through no. 3, but not through 4 and 5. We could not enter the external turnstiles at that point but gathered that those entrances were used by the prisoners' families and apparently when all the families went through the pressure was lifted. The police man could have explained the situation to us but he preferred to say that he can not share with us the reason for the pressure (people do get their sense of worth by all kind of ways).

There were about 50 people waiting for the Matak which opened a few minutes after 9 o'clock. One man approached us telling that he has moved to A-Ram a year and a half ago, rented an apartment next to the checkpoint thinking that since he had a blue ID and pays his dues to the municipality of Jerusalem he would save himself the trouble of having to go through checkpoints, but he was wrong. He is not allowed to go through A-Ra, since he is not on the list. He had been coming to the Matak several times trying to get himself on the list – but to no avail. Noam talked with the Matak and will follow the case.

It was my first experience with a hostile MP soldier ( a young woman whom I had never seen before) who sits behind the glass window at the Palestinian side of CP (until now my experience with these soldiers was of cooperation and help). This time the soldier claimed that she could not hear my request (to get the phone number of the Matak window), would not move off her chair to open a window so she can hear me, did not respond to my demand to get her name but got up to close the door of her "cell" so that she will be completely isolated from any communication. I reported it to the Humanitarian Center. She exhibited the same behavior toward a man who tried to get some information. no other official was at that time on the Palestinian side of the CP.

יום ג' 24.7.07, בוקר

Tammy T, Shula B (reporting)

 Translation: Devorah K.  

0600-0655 Rihan CP  
In the upper parking lot we meet the lucky ones who are hurrying to work. Minibus-taxis are waiting for those who are still delayed. Most of those we asked answered that this morning there were no problems and the passage was speedy. Among these there are some who add -- 'but yesterday it was hard'. 
Among the seamstresses there are some who say that the passage in the terminal this morning was without any problems, and they were not taken into the inspection rooms at the side. One of them, however, said angrily that she was delayed for an hour.
In the lower parking lot there are still no cars. Neither have the trucks appeared in a queue. But the trays of eggs are already on the asphalt path waiting to go through in the sun.
The people whom we usually meet with at this CP report that the new CP at Mevo Dotan is full of delays and is very upsetting. The people who let through there every day can be delayed all of a sudden. It seems that the soldiers do not work according to clear rules.
0700-0725 Shaked CP
A tractor and about 10 people are waiting to go through on the Tura (territories] side.
On the side of the seamline zone two people are standing. The soldiers let people through alternating the sides. For at least two weeks they have not been taking people into the checking room and the soldiers "clerks" meet the people under the sunshade.

A taxi from here to Barta'a costs ten Shekels. 

0730 - 0815 Reihan CP
The traffic is now thicker. A commerical vehicle is waiting. The eggs are still waiting. Private cars operating like taxis enter and leave. People in groups come down from the bridge opposte Zebda to the CP on their way to Barta'a or to Israel.

Until the hour of 0815, hundreds of people did not go through the CP, especially from the West Bank to the seamline zone, because they have no permits of passage -- and the reasons are all the kinds of superfluous ones that there always are.