Jerusalem | Machsomwatch
אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר


The military courtroom in Jerusalem is located in the Israel Police building in the Russian Compound, in the centre of the city. It holds hearings on remand extensions for detaineesinfo-icon undergoing Shabak interrogation. The courtroom is clean and air conditioned. The handling of detainees falls into a number of categories: one classification (Nachshon) brings detainees from the prisons where they are being held, Prison Service warders guard them while here, and Jerusalem policemen serve as prosecutors. Some of the detainees brought here are prohibited from meeting with their lawyers from the moment of their arrest, and defense counsel is not present in their courtroom hearings. The military court functions in accordance with the law in force in the Territories.Only a few family members succeed in getting passes to come from the West Bank for hearings in Jerusalem. The hearings take place on Mondays and Thursdays
Military Courts: