'Anabta, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Thu 13.8.09, Morning
7.00 Jubara It takes us 10 minutes to reach Gate 745. Everybody passing the checkpoint is registered and there are no delays. The soldiers try to move us away and complain about Shoshanna taking pictures (she does not take pictures of them, but they do not know that). In the end they take pictures of us and of my car. An old Arab is sitting on the side next to an improvised cover surrounded by barbed wire. We are unable to find out why, and after 20 minutes we decide to leave. 7.40 Anabta The cars are passing through without inspection. Once in a while, when a driver is not sure that he is allowed to pass, the soldiers wave to him to drive on. At Shevut Ami we do not see any people. Qalqiliya
The cars are driving through without inspection, while the soldiers positioned on the side are watching. Ras-a-Taiye The passage is slow. A tractor pulling a wagon with a few building blocks and some cement is being detained at the checkpoint. After some time he turns and drives back to park on the side next to a minibus. In the meantime some villagers keep arguing with the soldiers. The Bedouin living next to the checkpoint explains to us that these are people from the village Hirbet-a-Daba who are not allowed to drive home through the checkpoint. The tractor and its driver have been waiting since yesterday. The driver spent the night sleeping at the checkpoint hoping that in the end they would let him through. Now both drivers are approaching us. They claim that for some reason they are not on the list of people with permission to pass. The soldiers also claim that the few goods the drivers have is for making business. We call the IDF Humanitarian Centre and the District Coordination Office and after 20 minutes a representative from the DCO arrives. During his inquiry he realizes that the driver of the minibus has 15 boxes of vegetables and fruit in his car –which is forbidden! It does not matter that he has a large family in the village and that he wants to bring food from the market to everybody. The chairmen of the local councils have declared who the shop owners in their villages are, and only their cars are permitted to bring in merchandise. The driver of the minibus has a transportation business and does not own a vegetable shop. In the end he loads his goods on a tender with a license and so the problem is solved.
With the help of the DCO officer the tractor driver is let through. Tractors are allowed to pass and just a few building blocks are not considered enough for making business. A minor success, but there is no solution to the problem. And it took two hours to sort the problems out!