'Azzun 'Atma, Thu 17.12.09, Morning

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Nava E. Hanna P. (reporting); Natanya translating

Azzun Atma
6.20 Two comparatively short lines of
workers. Their permits  are only for the settlements in the area but of
course they can get to any place. Of course there is the problem that they may
get caught. When they exit they make sure to be registered so as  to get
back according to their permits. There is a volunteer here for the seamline, a
very nice Jewish man, truly nice.

6.40 Next to the entrance to Beit Ariyeh is a
rolling checkpoint.

The passage at Beit Furik . There is no one there.
One could get to Nablus.

Huwwara.  7.30 Two taxis are stopped . The
dogtrainer and dog search one and it is freed. The other is stopped because
there are young people. It has to go back to Nablus and one of the people remains to be
checked. We asked the DCO representative about the" "Activities"
of the settlers of Har Bracha. He says that when the command to freeze the
settlements was issued they came down and "made a confusion in the

The crossroad of Tapuah. 8.00 At the parking lot
the lights of the blue police are flashing. With a loudspeaker they call taxis
which come to the checkpoint to them to have their licenses checked. When we
asked they said that they were only traffic police.