Reihan, Shaked, Sat 1.9.12, Morning
Translation Naomi Gal
One single window is active at the Terminal. Men come out with their belts in hand and say it went fast ("10 minutes"). Others report a longer wait. Many are passing toward the West Bank. Families, students, are standing at the entrance to the terminal waiting for the carousel with their belongings to operate so that they can approach the window. Invisible hand stops and releases the carousels. At one of these stops there were 12 people waiting. Among them was a girl (about 14), who was not allowed to pass. She cried. A woman was waiting with her. The security guard at the desk made a phone call and probably consulted someone on the other end before motioning her finger for "No". Ten minutes later the girl left the checkpoint with an older man.
A law student who was in a rush to get to Jenin complained about the waste of time. We had no choice but agree with him.
A car is being checked on the road, all five doors open, but no one checks it. A boarder guard carrying a drawn gun is joking with one of the drivers.
08:25 we left.
08:40 ShakedCheckpoint
Judging by the new arches erected above the pedestrians’ lane, it seems as if they are about to cover it with a sort of awning.
Military vehicle is blocking the right lane. The drivers turn into the left lane.
During the soldiers’ breakfast activity ceases and those waiting are detained: a driver of a small truck, a tractor laden with tobacco sprigs.
A sergeant (Artillery) and MP woman soldier approach us. They break out in a lecture, spoken by many soldiers, reprimanding us on our stand against the checkpoints. Again we heard "hard facts" about the necessity of the checkpoints, facts confounding tomorrow and yesterday.
The military vehicle drove out of the gate and stopped by us. Someone asked, "Is everything okay?” we said something about the long wait. As a response we were rebuked: soldiers, too, have to eat.
09:10 we left.
The soldiers were in the grocery’s yard beside the road leading to the checkpoint.