Bethlehem (300), Etzion DCL, Tue 30.4.13, Morning

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Rachel M., Drora P. (reporting)


Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300:


Naomi Gal (translating)

We asked the people crowding out on the sidewalks: how is it going today? The answer is - not well.

Inside the terminal it is packed, four windows are slowly operating. One group passes and then there is a break. And then again in comes a new wave of people. It seems that people cross in groups, which slows the pace. Odah, the police officer at the crossing enlists to assist with the checking. The officer tells us the number of people using the CP increased significantly because it includes people who bypass the Kalandia Checkpoint whenever it’s possible.

By 7:10 AM the crossing has been completed, and a total of 5,000 people had passed.

A pleasantly surprising meeting was when one of the passing women approached us and with a happy smile told us that her brother received a working permit and an entry to Israel. A few weeks ago she asked us to find a way to remove the prevention he had on entering Israel, and we referred her to the customary procedures.  It seems that Sylvia deserves the thanks.

Another woman said she had worked for a family in Jerusalem and they fired her without paying her compensation. We referred her to “Kav L’Oved” a Workers' Open Line in hopes it will be handled accordingly.