Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Mon 27.5.13, Morning

Road 60
At the turn to Negohot construction works on the road by the “Heled” company, secured by military and police.
Breaking through of road at Wadi al-Husayn continues. More Palestinian lands are being taken for [the benefit of] Kiryat Arba and no rescue in sight. See the enclosed pictures. An utterly shameful symbiosis between the settlers and the military.
A major from “Givati” brigade arrives, apparently to give a briefing to the soldiers. The security person of kiryat Arba joins immediately and becomes part of the discussion, not before he takes pictures of us. When I introduced myself as Hagit and asked for his name, he replied: Vladimir Putin. If he can be with the soldiers, then so are we – we should listen to what the major says to them. I asked the major why the settler is allowed to attend the briefing whereas I am not. Initially he refused to answer, but then said: “He is from the Ministry of Defence”. I asked Vladimir Putin to show me his [military] identity card, according to the freedom of information law. Of course it was not shown to me. “Go search for it in the garbage, that’s what you are!”.
The officers of the international police sat in a distance and watched the happenings. A., from “B’Tselem” [The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories], walked around with his camera and a few Palestinians watched the happenings, the bulldozers and the measure takers.
The kids of Hebron hang around in the streets and M., our driver, says: Now, during the vacation things are going to happen, the kids are bored.
Up on Tel Rumeida an ambulance arrives at one of the houses. Only Palestinian ambulances are allowed to drive on this apartheid road. And even that can only be done after a lot of coordinations. It takes the body of a deceased on a stretcher.