Qalandiya: The month of Ramadan is upon us and people are asking whether religious observance would be possible
As we count one-hundred and fifty days since the catastrophe that befell us, and due to which we wreak death and starvation upon our neighbors, and as we count five days until the beginning of the Ramadan month, I came to Qalandiya to meet friend and acquaintances, ask how they are and wish them my good Ramadan wishes.
On the way there, I happened upon the ending of a back-to-back procedure.
The human cargo transferred from the Jerusalem ambulance to the West Bank ambulance was an elderly woman ill with cancer who had undergone treatment at the Mount Scopus Hospital, and because of the rules of occupation, on her way home to Nablus, was fated to suffer delays, inspections and inconsiderate shakeups.
In previous years, during the pre-Ramadan weeks, there were practical works in the area around the checkpoint to ready it for the tens of thousands of people who would make their way to the Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque. This year one saw no tell-telling signs but for an elongated shop on the eastern side of the checkpoint - at a place that during Ramadan Fridays was intended for male passage and the owners of the shop were forced by the army to evacuate and move elsewhere. At the place where it used to stand, only a white, mute wall remains.
All my acquaintances asked whether I know what this year’s Ramadan rules are (for they don’t), and whether religious observance would be possible.
In our talk about Israeli leadership, one of the speakers summarized the situation: “Practically speaking, the Prime Minister is Ben Gvir”. The listeners nodded in agreement and no one protested.
We also spoke about the home of Mohammad Manasara, resident of the refugee camp, who murdered two persons near the Eli gas station five days ago, and was killed by the Humus eatery owner. The Israeli media stated that his home was supposed to be demolished. “Yes, they have already come and designated it, but have not yet demolished it”, my acquaintances said.
And I repeat my question about the justice system that rules the demolition of the homes of Palestinian murderers/terrorists and does not do so about Jewish murderers/terrorists, as it refused Hussein Abu Khdeir’s request to demolish the home of the Jewish terrorist who planned and carried out the murder of Abu Khdeir’s son.