Northern checkpoints: waste of money and manpower

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Ruthi Edmonds and Hannah Heller (reporting) Translation: Naomi Halsted



Route 611: A few workers reach Barta’a junction through the breaches along the fence (but far from the road) and are picked up by vehicles waiting for them. Several transit vans are waiting in a makeshift parking lot on the road by the village of Luxor, and the workers get to them through nearby breaches. On the security road, many workers are streaming from the Palestinian parking lot of the checkpoint through the breach in the fence closest to the road, beside which a large number of cars are parked waiting for them.  


Barta’a checkpoint: The official crossing – only a small proportion of the workers cross via the checkpoint. The parking lot at the exit from the checkpoint, which used to be packed with vehicles and people, is very quiet. People cross through the breaches in the fence, avoiding the congestion that’s created at the entrance to the checkpoint beside the only conveyor belt operating there, and the way to the pick-up cars is shorter as well.


Tura checkpoint, 6:30: On our way to the checkpoint (which is still closed) we encounter workers who have come through the breaches in the fence and are hurrying to work, now waiting for the pick-up cars at Shahak junction (the industrial park in the seamline zone where most of them work). When the checkpoint opens – whenever that may be – cars will also be able to pass in both directions. We left at 6:50 and the checkpoint was still not open.


'Anin, 7:00: A police car with two bored soldiers is parked at the agricultural checkpoint. M. has not come to work with the tractor today, so there is no need to open the barrier, but the soldiers remain on site and are playing with the car’s sirens.


I feel as if reports have recently mainly described an enormous waste – of money and personnel – at these unnecessary checkpoints. After all, anyone who wants to get through will get through, and, thank goodness, there’s work for everyone (which pleases Israel).

