An American writer who wished to get acquainted with MW, the Left Bank and to participate in the shift, joined us.
We passed through Sha’arey Tiqva and Elkana and stopped by Hanny’s house. A few moments later soldiers arrived in a vehicle to ask us what we were doing there. I said that I was explaining the situation to guests. The guest had understood the absurd and cruel situation that was created as a result of the separation fence not being on the Green Line. She became very upset about the settlers' garbage pile growing on Palestinian land and was very impressed by the terrifying wall surrounding Azun Atma.
We continued for a short tour of Ariel, in order to demonstrate the depth of the occupation.
12:50 Oranit CP (1474)
There was just one man waiting for the gate to be opened. According to him, most of the farmers return at sunset, and soon another man would arrive. The white vehicle with civilian license plates arrived as well. The gate was opened and four young men came out. One of them showed his permit, which would expire in a few days, and said that at the Palestinian DCO they were unwilling to deal with the renewal of the permits, and that he didn’t know what to do. They expressed their appreciation for the soldiers who were opening the CP, but were worried about the future.
13:00 There were no more people around, and the soldiers shut the gate.
13:20 Habla CP (1393)
When we arrived, the gate was open and the truck carrying the enormous sacks (that we photographed last time) was blocking it. After negotiations with the soldiers, all the vehicles around made room for it, so it would be able to turn around. According to a farmer who was waiting for his turn, he was told that he would have to pass through the Eliyahu (109) CP.
After the truck had left many cars passed alternately in both directions, as well as pedestrians and a few carts harnessed to a horse or a donkey. The cheking this time was performed in the outer shed. At a certain moment a discussion arose betweeon a military policeman and one of the drivers, but was resolved without problems. Women and girls, probably from Arb a-Remadin, on their way home, were transported in private cars. An elderly disabnled man also got such a ride. We met him again near the entrance to the village, where we visited after explanations about the Alfey Menashe enclave and the fence that had been moved as a result of the High Court of Justice ruling.
On the way to Azun for a short visit to Z., who welcomed the things we brought him. He is very satisfied with the care he is getting and has even succeeded in refurbishing his new house a bit. We passed through Nebi Elias and saw the bypass road being built, which has taken over the lands of the Palestinian inhabitants and would rob part of their income in the future.