Bourin: “We have been feeling like this for the past 75 years!”

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Rachel A., with F.

An old friend from Bourin village called me, wishing to tell me what was happening. No one is taking any interest in them. The entire West Bank is controlled by the Israeli army and the settler-colonists. The Palestinians are not allowed out of their villages. These are under closureinfo-icon. No entry into Huwara town. Whomever is seen by the army is sent home or seriously threatened. The colonists are violent, breaking shop windows.

In Madama colonists entered the main street and ran wild. “… Revenge acts of colonists again Palestinians continued throughout the West Bank. Last night, past midnight, dozens of armed colonists invaded the village of Madama, incinerated vehicles and threw stones at homes and cars. Soldiers were present and did nothing stop this.” (out of the Facebook page of Yesh Din human rights organization)

Shops are open, but prices have skyrocketed because transport has become complicated and one can no longer use the normal routes. People sit at home, there is no work, and soon food will no longer be affordable.

The olive harvest season which should have been at its height now – is non-existent. One is not allowed into one’s olive groves. I understood it is not even allowed to harvest the trees next to one’s home, naturally not near the colonies. If this goes on, the fruit on the trees will rot and fall. Furthermore, the colonists have been cutting down olive trees galore.

Now the Palestinians have declared a three-day strike following the Gaza hospital catastrophe. I asked him who bombed it. He was shocked at my question. Naturally he believes the version that is running through the scope of damage caused there and the conclusion that is so evident. As for the anticipated ground offensive: “Israel is so hurt by the horrors of October 7th that it must now kill 10,000 people in order to calm down.” In fact, these words sounding from all directions are so totally contrary to what we are told in Israel, that I no longer know whom to believe. It no longer matters what is heard and who says it. What one wishes to believe is what really matters.

The man tells me again that the armed settler-colonists and the soldiers really scare the Palestinians, and threaten Israeli volunteers as well. He went on and on and told me to look at various websites and see exactly what is going on. He spoke endlessly and I couldn’t stop him. My memory is not what is used to be. What I heard from him is scary as hell.

Today I drove out to bring things to Azoun (I didn’t enter the town). Azoun has been shut down for many months now, and when opened, it is dangerous for Israeli-license-plated cars to enter. We pass our goods from one vehicle to another and hurriedly take our leave. The nurseries road was entirely empty. All the nurseries are shut. There is no one around