Qalandiya checkpoint Album
Photographer: Dorit Hershkovitz
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women and small children waiting to cross the first belt of soldiers on the way to the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women and small children waiting to cross the first belt of soldiers on the way to the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Father and son trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Father and son trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Dorit Hershkovitz
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Showing his green ID in an attempt to cross the checheckpoint..
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Showing his green ID in an attempt to cross the checheckpoint..
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Woman trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Woman trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan Women queueing to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan Women queueing to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Photographer: Yosi Y. ( a guest of MW )
Fourth Friday of Ramadan The lucky ones allowed to cross to Jerusalem - in the corridors leading to the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan The lucky ones allowed to cross to Jerusalem - in the corridors leading to the checkpoint.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers on post. Watching for any sign of "free will".
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers on post. Watching for any sign of "free will".
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian injured in his head from the army shootings carried in an ambulance to the hospital. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian injured in his head from the army shootings carried in an ambulance to the hospital. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian injured in his head from the army shootings carried into the ambulance. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian injured in his head from the army shootings carried into the ambulance. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. 15 years old Palestinian injured in his neck from the army shooting. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
First Friday of Ramadan. 15 years old Palestinian injured in his neck from the army shooting. The army spokman declared that there were no casualties at that day.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian women over the "dangerous " age that were allowed to cross the checkpoint to Jerusalem.
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian women over the "dangerous " age that were allowed to cross the checkpoint to Jerusalem.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. Palestinians trying to approach the checkpoint to cross to Jerusalem.
Second Friday of Ramadan. Palestinians trying to approach the checkpoint to cross to Jerusalem.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. The army sorts out the ones that are allowed to cross the checkpoint to Jerusalem The others are not allowed to step close to he checkpoint.
First Friday of Ramadan. The army sorts out the ones that are allowed to cross the checkpoint to Jerusalem The others are not allowed to step close to he checkpoint.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. The unlucky Palestinians that were not allowed to cross to Jerusalem.
Second Friday of Ramadan. The unlucky Palestinians that were not allowed to cross to Jerusalem.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Looking for shade by the buses while waiting for the sorting out procedure to try and cross to Jerusalem..
First Friday of Ramadan. Looking for shade by the buses while waiting for the sorting out procedure to try and cross to Jerusalem..
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian women that were not allowed to cross the checkpoint pleading with the soldiers to let them do it. Everywhere there is garbage and filth.
First Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian women that were not allowed to cross the checkpoint pleading with the soldiers to let them do it. Everywhere there is garbage and filth.
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Second Friday of Ramadan. Soldiers on stand by at the heart of the garbage..
Second Friday of Ramadan. Soldiers on stand by at the heart of the garbage..
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers on post. watching for any sign of "free will".
First Friday of Ramadan. Military snipers on post. watching for any sign of "free will".