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Qalandiya checkpoint Album

Qalandiya checkpoint 24.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
The army takes steps to prepare the checkpoint for the Ramadan by enclosing the parking area in between walls and wire barbs.
Qalandiya checkpoint 24.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
The army takes steps to prepare the checkpoint for the Ramadan by enclosing the parking area in between walls and wire barbs.
Qalandiya checkpoint 24.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Garbage at the vicinity of the checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 24.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
A sign at the entrance to the checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 22.08.08
Photographer: Ruth Ottolenghi
New construction on the wall.
Qalandiya checkpoint 22.08.08
Photographer: Ruth Ottolenghi
New construction on the wall.
Qalandiya checkpoint 03.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Heart- sick woman in a critical state transferred in a "back to back" procedure from the ambulance that brought her from TulKarem to the ambulance that takes her to the hospital in East Jerusalem. All happens in a temperature of 33 c.
Qalandiya checkpoint 03.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Heart- sick woman in a critical state transferred in a "back to back" procedure from the ambulance that brought her from TulKarem to the ambulance that takes her to the hospital in East Jerusalem. All happens in a temperature of 33 c.
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
A group of students guided by MachsomWatch members visiting the checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 05.08.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Graffiti on the wall.
Qalandiya checkpoint 22.06.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
At the parking lot a Palestinian bus driver seeking shelter from the sun.
Qalandiya checkpoint 01.07.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
The gates to the checkpoint are closed.
Qalandiya checkpoint 06.07.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Garbage disposed by burning close to the wall.
Qalandiya checkpoint 06.07.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
The new corridors leading to the checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 06.07.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
A thin Palestinian woman advancing in the widest of the new corridors leading to the checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 14.07.08
Photographer: Ruth Ottolenghi
Palestinians stuck in the corridors leading to the turnestiles.
Qalandiya checkpoint 14.07.08
Photographer: Ruth Ottolenghi
Palestinians stuck in the corridors leading to the turnestiles.
Qalandiya checkpoint 14.07.08
Photographer: Ruth Ottolenghi
A new sign at the checkpoint warning Israelis from entering Area A.
Qalandiya checkpoint 22.07.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Sick old Palestinian woman moved at the checkpoint by "back to back" method to another ambulance that carries her to an hospital in East Jerusalem.
Qalandiya checkpoint 22.07.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
How to cross the checkpoint with a baby and a pram while the humanitarian door is locked?
Qalandiya checkpoint 01.06.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Water-melon break of transit drivers at Qalandiya checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 08.06.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
Remains of the shope. photographed on 18.05.06 ) after the army demolished the place.
Qalandndiya checkpoint 04.05.08
Photographer: Judith Spitzer
An ambulance carrying 2 years old baby from Ramallah diagnosied as suffering from bleeding of the liver is waiting at the checkpoint for an ambulance arriving from the Israeli side to take the baby to Muqased hospital. The ambulance was kept for more then an hour, being send from one place to another until the expected vehicle arrived from the other side. Only then the documents checks were started and finally, after about 2 hours wait the baby was carried to the other ambulance that took her to the hospital.
Qalandndiya checkpoint 04.05.08
Photographer: Judith Spitzer
An ambulance carrying 2 years old baby from Ramallah diagnosied as suffering from bleeding of the liver is waiting at the checkpoint for an ambulance arriving from the Israeli side to take the baby to Muqased hospital. The ambulance was kept for more then an hour, being send from one place to another until the expected vehicle arrived from the other side. Only then the documents checks were started and finally, after about 2 hours wait the baby was carried to the other ambulance that took her to the hospital.
Qalandiya refugees camp 06.05.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
A banner hanged over the shopes in the refugees camp showing the break through the wall at Gaza.
Qalandiya checkpoint 18.05.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
As viewed from the vehicles checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 18.05.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
A small shope evolved eastern to the checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
Within the Palestinian area.
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
Within the Palestinian area.
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
The vehicles checking post.
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
Vehicle checkpoint.
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
The vehicles checking post.
Qalandiya checkpoint 15.05.08
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
Qalandiya checkpoint 25.05.08
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
New vehicle belonging to the private security company at the checkpoint.