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We expected a very hard shift because it was just the morning after Hebron attack with 12 Israelis dead, but the situation was much better than the previous Saturday-again proving that you cannot make too many successful predictions concerning checkpoints.E-Ram: 7 a.m. - Huge movement of students and children towards Jerusalem. Transits disturbed the border police and they closed the area for U-turns with with barbed wire. When we left they very reluctantly opened this passage for us.Qalandya :7:30-9 a.m- One can feel that a new staff is in charge of the checkpoint and "enlightened occupation" ideas are implemented. On both sides of the checkpoint new volunteers including two mature women very efficiently and politely allow people to pass. Orange IDs owners are reminded of a need for permits however all except a very young man are allowed to pass for "the last time", in complete contradiction to the very clear announcement on the South side stating that people who do not have permits will not be allowed to go out. On the North side, there are two lanes with clear Arabic announcements : a blue announcement says that this is a line for blue ID-s and children under 15 and a red announcement is intended for other Id-s with permits. On the South side yellow taxis with green plates are randomly directed towards North, but soldiers are not as aggressive as one week ago. A taxi driver from the North explained that there is no work for so many taxis on the North side and drivers go back through Rafad area which can be seen behind the airport.