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צופות ומדווחות: 
volunteer,checkpoint commander,young soldier,officer,two teachers,social worker,border policemennik

Qalandya North: The passage is smooth. A volunteer talks politely to the Palestinians and is efficient. The checkpoint commander this time is responsive. A young woman with a birth certificate saying she was16 is not allowed to pass. We looked at the certificate and saw that was a photocopy, and she looks considerably older than 16. One young soldier told the pedestrians to go back quite rudely, and was embarrassed when told that his tone may sound offensive. Children were let through with no problems. There was a long line of cars but the checking was quite smooth, though the baggage of every car was checked. Qalandya south - a diluted stream of people the passage it smooth. Very few cars. When we reached E -Ram, the officer informed us that there was a terrorist attack. Two teachers, husband and wife, from the Catholic school were not allowed to pass. At our suggestion they called the Moked and were promised that their case would be taken care of. But they turned back and 15 minutes later when we called them, they told us that they went around the checkpoint.Just before the junction of Neve Ya'akov on the way south there was a checkpoint on the road. Tension was running high, probably because of the attack in Jerusalem. A social worker whom we had met before and had passed the checkpoint in E-Ram was being held with a about 10 other people. A border policemennik screamed "I am a Policeman!" He passed the confiscated IDs to his replacement who took charge of the impromptu checkpoint. A badly handicapped person with a man accompanying him walked south, but was stopped because his companion had to be checked, but in response to our request, they do check him quickly and let both pass. One soldier complained to the commander how much we disturb the commander's work, but the commander brushed him off.