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MachsomWatchers: J.W. & R.W. Since there were only two of us, and since no one was assigned to Bethlehem, we went there rather than to Abu Dis.When we arrived at Checkpoint 300, there were few vehicles and very few pedestrians, but an enormous number of BP's on duty. We stopped counting after spotting 15, plus 2 jeeps.Minutes after our arrival, all passage stopped. When we asked the BP why they were not letting anyone through, they told us, "a child has been kidnapped in Jerusalem".Since nothing was happening, we decided to go to El Khader. At the intersection, we noticed that spikes had been set up across Hebron road, and no cars were being allowed through. Strangely enough, there was no problem getting on to the tunnel road from the other direction.We headed toward El Khader, but were then held up in the middle of the tunnel. Suddenly, several BP jeeps went speeding through. After about a ten minute delay, we assumed that the traffic was being held up at the end of the tunnel and decided to make a dangerous U turn and go back to where we had come from. We returned to Checkpoint 300 which was then in the process of a change of guard. After the usual 20 minute delay, traffic picked up and moved smoothly.