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Jubara, 30 November 2004 AMObservers: L, MM, SS & EB (reporting)07:00 Jubara – No lines. There were problems at the entrance to the village. The soldier inquired who we were. At 10:30, on our way back from Beit Iba, we were stopped by the same soldier, who wanted to see our IDs and checked the car boot. At first I avoided an argument but after a disagreeable ‘seamline’ volunteer (who identified himself as Major Y.) intervened and made demands, my patience gave out. I told him that he lacks all authority, that he was wrong, that Jubara and the area around the checkpoint were not closed military areas, that I was permitted to be there, and that he should phone Lt.-Col. Kamil at the District Coordination Office. He blocked my path with a plastic barrier, and it was only when I raised my voice that he gave up and sent me on my way (home!) with good wishes “Get out of my sight”.