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Tarqumiya, Tuesday 28.12.04, AMObservers: Linda G. and Aviva W. (reporting) We arrived at 5:35. Already there were about 250 people waiting to pass. The soldiers were letting people through at a slow pace, and two at a time. It was pitch dark, and there were two soldiers at the cp, and perhaps another inside a jeep, that we couldn't see.The workers, cold and impatient started to go forward at their own accord, sometimes 4 and 5 at a time. When it got a little lighter, they all moved forward to a different place to wait for the soldiers to bid them to come. At 6:30 there were around 400 men waiting to go through.At that time the soldiers didn't like that they had all moved forward and started to reorganize them. They told them to move back. The men did not agree. One soldier yelled at them to move back and got a Palestinian to try to make "order". He told them that no one would go through if they did no! t move to the back obstacle. After a while, a few more soldiers came and checked two separate groups. Those that did not move back were processed through, and those that did were picked individually to come forward with their work permits. They all finally passed through at 7:00.At that hour, there were 10 Red Cross busses that had to be checked. Six going to Kitziot, and four to Ha'Sharon Prison. We had enough time to see how they were going to check the families. Each bus at a time was allowed to pass the belongings from one bus to another. Those that had taken their things out and were waiting outside were told to return them to the Red Cross bus. The people had to wait inside the busses until it was their turn to pass over. It took a half hour to process the bus we watched. We left at 7:40. Not without wondering if the way things were done were without malice...and on my part, answering back and questioning the behaviour of those in charge.