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Rihan, Sunday, December 26, 2004, AMObservers: Ana N., Sarit R., Netta G. (reporting)8:30-10:15Very sparse movement of pedestrians and vehicles. It looks as if, at any given moment, there are more soldiers on site, more military police and blue (civilian) police, than Palestinians.In an exceptional instance, they allowed a driver carrying a dozen boxes of vegetables in his car to pass through. But they did not allow passage of imported cigarettes in commercial quantities. That driver was directed to Jalama.Arab Israelis were allowed into the West Bank today, provided that Israelis are allowed to enter the area to which they are going. It was explained to us that by decree of the major general, even some of the villages in Area B (under Israeli security control) were declared as forbidden for Israelis to enter.One of the blue policemen told us that they deal with criminal issues only (i.e., car thefts, etc.) and they do not get involved in security issues. Despite that, on the ground there seems to be some sort of a mix-up between military activity and that of the police.We entered the inspection facility, which is built but not quite completed. we saw the soldiers' posts, the passage lanes and the explosion rooms.The checkpoint commander, Second Lieutenant A., could not tell us exactly when the facility is due to be completed, and how it was going to be operated.When we left the CP we gave a ride to a fellow, who ironically turned out to be a settler from Mevo-Dotan.