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Rihan, Tuesday, December 28,2004, AMObservers: Ricki Y. , Joy H. , Miriam L. , Tammi S. (reporting)09:30 - 11:15Ricki and Joy observed the vehicles' passage: The checkpoint commander who stood there was tough at first, asking us not to speak with his soldiers, but later, after Ricki insisted, he said that the order not to talk to the soldiers stems from fear that the discussion might escalate and would be reported in the media.The order for soldiers to move around wearing helmets is called off.The same commander said that now there is no long any limitation as to the amount (5) of boxes allowed in. The quantity needs to be reasonable and possible to inspect, in the opinion of the soldier at the inspection post.The pedestrian passage: The representative from the District Coordination Office (DCO) knows enough Arabic to communicate with those passing through, and does so in an effort to help and show respect to people. But even he cannot change the order given by the head of the DCO, not to allow entrance to a funeral in Barta'a to those who are not first degree relatives.All we can do is to feel sorry, and be surprised that the head of the DCO, who is well aware of the importance of participation in a funeral for friends, relatives and neighbors of the husband of the diseased from the village of Zbeida (not far from the checkpoint).