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Qalandiya, Ar-RamObservers: Anat T., Dina R., Maya B. (reporting)We reached road 443 at 6:30 and found a makeshift check point on the road. The transit cars taking people to work were stoppd ,all the I.D. cards collected , checked and returned after a short time. The drivers resented it , but it did not cause a very long delay. One man was not allowed to continue till further checking, he lost his ride, but when released , he just walked away, in a very resigned way. He seemed used to this type of occurance.We continued to Qalandiya. There things "seemed " regular. The regular turned out to be very hard, cruel and involved a lot of personal tragedies. Two young women, very fine, nice and subdued, were not allowed to pass. One only had a Jordanien passport, she has been married for seven years, has three children, teaches in El-Bireh, and is waiting to get her Israeli/Palestinien papers, for seven years, and does not get anything. The present policy does not afford Palestinien couples, family reunions. The second woman had her husband detained, she took her children to her parents in Ramallah, had no papers, and was not allowed to go back to her village: Beith Surik. After a lot of pleading we manneged to get her through. All went by the orders, people with blue I.D. or above 35, or women, children, sick people were allowed to pass. But there were many, many who did not fit into any of these catagories, but had very good reasons to want to enter into east Jerusalem, Ar-Ram or Beith Haninna, and were sent back.All people from El-Bireh were detained and checked thoroughly, there seems to have been a warning of someone from that village.We stayed for hours trying to help people, but with very meagre results. The B.P. guard A. who just returned from a family visit to Ukraina, and who spoke some Arabic, complained to us that he also does not get a permit to unite with his wife, who is Ukrainien, non-Jewish, and wanted to know why we don't intervene on his behalf. We left for Ar-Ram. There were about 8-9 detaineesinfo-icon. When we asked what the procedure with them was, since they claimed to have been there for hours, we were denied any cooperation and they were told not to talk to us.We came away feeling frustrated and helpless.