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Rihan, Wednesday, January 12,2005, PMObservers: Ziva H., Nava R. (reporting)14:00 - 15:45Pedestrian passage:Three people are not allowed to pass through. One of them is on his way back from Jenin following medical treatment, but his permit expired a week ago. The other two are 15-year-old boys, residents of the West Bank who, due to their age, do not have ID cards. They wish to go to east Barta'a (the seam line zone), for a family visit. After a talk with the District Coordination Office and with the passage commander's consent, the older man goes through and the two youngsters return the way they came.Traffic of pedestrians streams along, the soldiers try to act politely.Vehicle passage:There are quite few problems at the post. A man tries transferring a number of parcels that appear to be a "commercial" quantity. The soldiers say no. He tries dividing the packages. A loud argument breaks out. The officer who commands the post reacts firmly and stands his ground.