South Hebron

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South HebronTuesday morning, 18 January 2005Observers: Hagit B.(Hebrew) and Leah Y.(English)Shift: 06:30 - 08:30Palestinian cars and taxis are now permitted to travel on Route 60 [previously a road restricted to Jewish settlers' use] from Daharia to El Khader.At the Shiyuh-Sa'ir Junction,a taxi driver tells us they are frequently stopped by the police and given fines- which they now pay at the Kiryat Arba police station [near Hebron], instead of in Jerusalem.The schools were closed a day before the elections and will remain closed for two more weeks.The drivers hope that with [the election of] Abu Mazen,there is a chance for improving the situation.Route 317 - 60 - 356 Closures and high earth mounds are all there and seem fresh, perhaps because of the rain. No army vehicles. However, the pillboxes at Zif and Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, have large newIsraeli flags flying - (no doubt about "Big Brother" watching.)At Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, we meet M.,the Director of Health Services for the Hebron District. Hagit wants to know if she can help with special problems and he mentions the 50 clinics to which vaccinations and other medical supplies,cannot be brought because of closures around the villages.When Hagit asks whether M. has spoken with A. from the Civil Administrationinfo-icon, he answers that turning directly to them, is not permitted: this has to be handled by the Head \Office in Nablus. Hagit passed this information to the Physicians for Human Rights group.