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Ar-Ram, Qalandiya 24.01.05 PM Observers: Hava B, Noa E, Tova S (reporting)At Ar-Ram, there were few cars or pedestrians either when we came or returned.We were overwhelmed by the changes taking place and the enormous amount of work being done at Ar-Ram. It appears as if there is continued building of the wall. At Qalandiya, there were few people or cars. Inspections in the humanitarian lane were done very thoroughly which resulted in a long line of women and children waiting in the freezing cold. There were reserve soldiers alongside the military police. Anton, from the DCO was instructing a new soldier in the intricacies of document inspection. He exploited our presence in the course of his instruction to tell the soldier about who we were, saying: "they only come to the checkpoints to help and try to convince us about the right of passage of some people who try to sneak through" and other comments in a similar vein. Three young people were inspected with "the glove". The inspection was very thorough. They were asked to remove wallets and cellphones, and their clothing was checked. The glove was used via a window in the caravan, and i.d.'s were returned after having been checked. A reserve soldier who was acting as a security guard tried to chase away children who were hanging around the checkpoint. A young man on a horse was denied passage until Anton intervened. There was no baggage check! Border police came for a short time and wrote down the names of those crossing into Ramallah.