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Rihan, Tuesday, January 25, 2005, AMObservers: Joy H., Miriam L., Ricki Y., Tammi S. (reporting)10:00 - 11:00The checkpoint is as usual. People are inspected by the Magnumeter; they put telephones, keys, belts etc. on the table at the side, but the bags and purses are still being checked on the bare ground.An elderly woman who didn't feel well sat on the concrete steps and two soldiers rushed over, offering her a bottle of water.The site commander allows three children who sell coffee to cross to the Israeli side to sell their coffee there.There are many soldiers and a relatively large number of Palestinians, most of them returning from their holiday vacation, which is due to end by Friday.The soldiers behave as usual, each one according to his own understanding and his upbringing.(Why can't they be told to use the term "tfadal/tfadali, to invite people over for inspection, rather than term "ta'al" which sounds harsh?At 11:00, our friend from the village of Kapeen invites us to visit his home. We continue to cultivate our connections with Palestinians. I can say that this "recharges our batteries."