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Qalandiya/Ar-Ram 12.1.05 PMObservers: Daniela, Dina, Eli (reporting)(guest- Sonia, reporter from Spain)15:45 – we arrive at Ar-Ram. The army blocks the road to Qalandiya CP.The drivers have to maneuver winding alternative routes.After about 20 minutes driving we reach the CP and find and a Red Crescent ambulance there. It is being held up and checked for 10 minutes (while we were there, it may have been held up longer) and then permitted to continue.16:30 – we meet Aya K. and Tami G. returning from their morning shift.A young man waiting by the CP is ordered by one of the soldiers to leave. The young man quietly refuses. Another soldier joins and the two grip the man and start shaking him aggressively. Aya gets in between the soldiers and the young man and calls the soldiers to stop it. The soldiers drag the man (and Aya with him) towards the interior of the CP (out of bounds for us). While dragging, a soldier pushes Aya to the ground, and things scatter. The young man is taken to the shed behind the CP and he is then hidden from us.16:50 – Aya leaves and we begin a series of calls to the humanitarian hot line, to the division HQ, and the army spokesperson. In all of these calls we specify the urgency the matter and the violent handling. Our calls are answered with the usual “We’ll look into it” response, but not one call came in updating us on this “looking into”.17:20 – fearing that the soldiers are holding on to the young man out of “spite” at this point, as a demonstrative measure against our presence, we decide to end our vigil and leave. As of now, the young man is still held by the soldiers.