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Tarqumiya Thursday morning, 3 February 2005 Observers: Yael Z, Elena L (reporting)Time: 05:40 -07:35We arrived at 5:40. We were told by the soldiers (who were friendly) that they had been checking laborers through the CP since 4:30.While we were there, some 400 laborers passed through. In most cases the checking was cursory and there were no delays, but for a short while the soldiers began to write down the particulars of each laborer and the pace slowed down considerably. Shortly thereafter, however, the original brisk pace was resumed and the writing down of particulars stopped (possibly because we had approached to see what the reason for the delay was).Prisoners' families arrive. At 6:40 the Red Cross car arrived and shortly afterwards 2 Palestinian buses, carrying family members traveling to visit inmates in Israeli prisons, parked in the parking area and some of the passengers got out to wait. 7:00 -- Two soldiers boarded the two Israeli buses waiting on the Israeli side, which then drove through the CP to the parking area, and the checking of the prisoners' families began. The two soldiers were unfriendly and nervous. After a short while, when only a few Palestinians had boarded of the Israeli buses, the soldier in charge of the checking insisted that the remaining Palestinians (including some old men and women and a woman carrying a babyinfo-icon) get back onto their Palestinian bus and only then come out one by one –otherwise he refused to continue checking them.When we enquired, he explained why he was ordering them back on the bus. He also said : "I don’t like people crowding around me." Meanwhile, the other soldier had aimed his gun at the Palestinians' feet. Since there were not a great many Palestinians in the first place (the buses were far from full) –this behavior seemed somewhat arbitrary. After a short delay the pace picked up again. Possibly our presence helped – the soldier in charge stole a glance at us as he checked the Palestinians getting off their bus for a second time. The police escort had already arrived when we left at 7:35