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Ar-Ram, Qalandiya 02.02.05 p.m.Observers: Tami B, Aya, Michal, Carmel, Eli (reporting)14:50 We arrived at Ar-Ram, There was a long line of cars and only one soldier checking.15:10 Qalandiya. The building in the area is being carried out full force -- concrete blocks, war materials, teams of soldiers and workers for the light rail. In the passageway for women, an iron gate was put up that narrows the passageway.15:25 A boy with a blue i.d., resident of Elat, was stopped by soldiers. He said that he was visiting his sister in Ramallah and now wanted to return to Jerusalem. The soldiers checked his i.d. and allowed him to pass after warning him that "this was the last time" and that he should not do it again.15:40 A young boy with a green i.d. was detaineed and was being checked, but we were not able to understand why. After 30 minutes, he was released and allowed to continue on his way.16:50 A boy with a magnetic card who was in the process of getting a permit was not allowed to pass. This was an example of sticking to the letter of the law. Young men were constantly being sent back to Ramallah during the time that we were at the checkpoint. A young man told us that the border police set up another checkpoint on the north side of the already existing one.