including Anata

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Qalandiya, 9.2.2005 AMAnath T, Maya B(reporting)We started at Qalandiya at 6:30 a.m. It was very cold and there were few people at the C.P. and few cars. We asked about the children who usually cross to get to school, but were not able to receive a plausable answer as to the few crossers. The Humaniterien pass was not even used for lack of demand. There were two lanes of cars, moving along, and one orderly passing lane of people, with hardly any children. At the round about the usual havoc of cars going in all directions, three bagel venders, and that's all.We decided to go to Anata, via Ar-Ram, hoping to just pass through. Our hopes were premature. The positive attitude of the summit meeting in Sharm has not reached the commander of the C.P. There were about 30-40 detainies, who were hunted down by the C.P. commander during the morning hours , at various spots of Ar-Ram and Beit Chanina. No attempts were made to ease the burden of people who had appointments with doctors or hospitals if they did not come with a daily permit from the DCO. People were waiting for over two hours, in the hope to finally be allowed through, only to have a complaint filled out against them, which they then were made to sign, saying they know they have to have a special permit, and will not try to go through again with out one.All our attempts to ease the harsh treatment were of no avail. We called N, spokeswoman of B.P. , we tried A , commander of Jerusalem envelopment, who promissed to intervene, but things did not improve. Four B.P men were writing reports against the detaineesinfo-icon, and not one was let through. When we suggested a more positive attitude towards the Palestiniens, the answer was, after they will learn to obey the rules!!!!We left, after speaking and trying to help, very frustrated and hopeless.