South Hebron

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South HebronWednesday morning, 9 February 2005 Observers: Haya H. and Dana L. (reporting)Junctions: Dura-Al Fawwar, Shayuch, Idna, and Zif were open for both pedestrians and vehicles. The Yatta junction was, as always, closed to vehicles.The bridge at Halhul was only barricaded at the rise from the main road - again, as always...The “Humanitarian” checkpoint [for ambulances and medical materiel] was deserted at first, but later we saw policemen on duty there.Near the Susia junction (the Kongo barricade): Five teachers from Yatta and Samoa were again detained by our soldiers since they didn't have the right papers. The teachers, who were on their way to the school at Menzal, told us that until recently their "passes" were considered enough and their names were on the army's lists. Probably, these lists "evaporated" during the change of guards...We phoned the Hebron DCO [District Coordination Office, the IDF’s Civil Administration bureau issuing passage permits], who contacted Captain H., who got angry because he took care of the problem yesterday and had been promised that everything would be o.k. Well, it wasn't, though we were promised it'll be taken care of...