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Abu Dis, SawahreTue. 15.02.05 p.m.Observers: Chana G, Rina H, Julia W, Rahel W (reporting) guest from ScotlandWhen we arrived at the pishpash, there were several private cars and taxis but no transits. There was no sign of border police or army. Continued on to the Cliff Hotel. As might have been mentioned before, almost all the windows on the first floor have been smashed. There were two border police on the top floor, but all was quiet. At the pishpash, people are again climbing over the ledge to the right of the wall. (The inner wall -- what was the only wall until about 6 months ago) has been dismantled). We went through the monastery and took a transit to the Container.When we arrived, there was a backup of about 25 vehicles. When we got to the Container, we realized it was because of the change of the guard. As soon as the previous shift left, cars moved quickly in both directions. There was very little checking. Three vehicles (from Bethlehem) were randomly stopped but all got their i.d.'s back within 10 minutes.Very quiet shift.