Beit Iba and Sarra

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Beit Iba (10-11 AM) The situation can be described as an "upgraded occupation". The reserve soldier's unit was very efficient in organizing the passage. DCO representative was very considerate and did his best to help people. Men between 14-25 years were requested to present permits. DCO representative said that even students from all universities need to arrange permits. He said that an application for permits goes through Palestinian office in Nablus and that it is easy to get it. Students from the American University in Jenin were initially denied passage, because of these new requirements, but we spoke on their behalf and after some security checking they were allowed to pass. We were approached by a Sarra citizen who complained about Sarra checkpoint. He said that very often he cannot reach this checkpoint on time, because it is closed on 5:30 pm. He said that on Thursday February 10 a school bus with girls was stopped and soldiers requested the girls to walk in terrible weather into the village. The girls refused and later on bus was allowed to drive in. Because of these complains we went to Sarra checkpoint.Sarra (11-11:30 AM). At this checkpoint we spoke with an officer about complains we heard. An officer said that may be when young soldiers are not supervised by an officer the above abuses can happen.