Jubara and Irtah

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Irtah-Jubarta, Sun., 13.2.05 AMObservers: Leah S., Yehudit H., Orna P. (reporting)Irtah0645. The gate was opened at 0615. The soldiers told us that there had been a logistical problem: the patrol arrived late, and the gatesinfo-icon cannot be opened until the patrol has finished its work (perhaps someone overslept?). Five checking posts, all overloaded – hundreds of people waiting in line. The checking is thorough, but polite. The workers claim that they have been waiting for the gates to open since 0400. As a result of the late opening, they get to work late, and their employers often send them back because of this. They also claim that they don’t feel that the system is any less stringent. We talked to the brigade commander, who said that the question of the late opening would be reviewed again.Jubara0715. The checkpoint is manned by the military police and some reserve soldiers. They didn’t allow us to park by the café, but we were allowed to park by the western checkpoint. No detaineesinfo-icon. On the western transit point from Israel in the direction of Qalqiliya there is a checkpoint manned by the border police, apparently looking for stolen cars. We were not stopped. The northern checkpoint, in the direction of Tulkarm, is not manned. Very few people going through; the soldiers say that the pedestrians went through before we arrived. At the southern checkpoint they don’t let people through, and tell them to go to Irtah. There are transit permits only for inhabitants of Jubara, family unions, health problems and humanitarian cases.