'Anabta, Thu 6.3.08, Afternoon

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מקום או מחסום: 
צופות ומדווחות: 
Nava M., Yfat D. (reporting) Driver: Nadim

16:04 Anabta

The line of cars curls behind the junction. About 50 vehicles wait at this end
of the CP. From the other end there are at least as many, but we cannot see to
the end of the line. After having spent some time at the CP we calculated a
minimum two hour wait in line.

A red headed soldier yells his head off at car
drivers. It's as if he has gone mad. He tries to order the line and threatens
the people.

Later on more soldiers arrive. They block the
passageway to one of the lines using their bullet proof truck, and so let cars
pass from a different direction each time.

Pedestrians are ordered to wait until the soldier
calls out to them- one by one. The soldier examines the bags: one of the people
tries to balance the bag on his thigh, another places his bag on the ground.

From the direction of Tul Karem a bus passes carrying
relatives to visit prisoners. It is possible some of them will miss visiting
hours on account of the delay.

The red headed soldier occasionally stops cars and
withholds them at the side of the road for no apparent reason. The drivers
complain he curses- says 'fuck' all the time. A police van arrives to tell the
soldiers the line is so long it is blocking the settlers' way.

17:30 when we left
the CP the line was still very long.