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16:50: At the roundabout, some 25
detaineesinfo-icon were standing in the sun (the BP insisted that they
STAND). All were "caught" 20 minutes earlier on one bus,
on their way home. The ID check was over 20 minutes later, and most
were given back, but 6-7 will be given near the wall, "to
assure that those people are going back".

17:10. Near the wall, full check of bags, and recording of IDs for
some (even those carrying blue ID). The gate is open, apparently
from early in morning until 15:00, and now again. 4 border
policemen are present, and very few people. More arrive around
17:40, mostly women, and papers are being carefully checked, even
for eastbound Palestinian Authority residents. This causes a little
waiting. While some wait, others arrive and manage to go straight
through. At the transits point, the atmosphere is very

Sawahre, 18:20. 6 border policemen sat in the shade, while 3 cars
waiting obediently to be summoned. Once they noticed us, they
tended to the cars, and all went easily through. Atmosphere here
was calm, relaxed, even sleepy. Very little traffic, and everyone
was waiting for a sign from the BP soldier before moving. Check of
taxis consisted of a quick look into the car, but no ID check for
its passengers.