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Sawahre: Cars and pedestrians are
passing freely. Three border policemen on duty. They waved everyone
through without checking. Abu Dis: When we arrived, there were no
border policemen in sight. However, upon our return from Sawahre, 3
border policemen were checking IDs of the Jerusalem bound. Those
going the other way did so freely. ID information was written down,
but no calls were made to check the information. One woman with
only a health clinic card was allowed through after our
intervention. No one seemed to wait more than 5 or 10 minutes
before they were permitted to continue. While we were there, no one
was turned back. Down at the gas station, three more border
policemen were checking the IDs of those walking along the street
next to the wall. Same procedure as at the gate. The border
policemen at all three roadblocks did their work in a civil manner
and our interactions with them were friendly. In all, a quiet