מחסוםWatch בתקשורת 2015 | מחסוםווטש
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מחסוםWatch בתקשורת 2015

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רביעי, 20 ינואר, 2016


Machsom Watch Media Coverage 2015



Sally Anne Friedland, Op-Ed, Deep in the Heart of Apartheid, Haaretz , January 1, 2015


Gideon Levy and Alex Levac, Chiming in 2015, and leaving a community destitute, Haaretz , January 9, 2015


Amira Hass, 7 carousels, barbed wire fences, and loudspeakers: This is what a checkpoint looks like, Haaretz, January 11, 2015


Gideon Levy, Labour: A lot of sympathy, not a lot of leftists, Haaretz, January 15, 2015


Amira Haas, Israeli Courts Reward a Palestinian Photographer for Abuses by IDF Soldiers,Haaretz, January 16, 2015


Interview with MW Member: Ronny Perlman, Israel Public Not Moved by Video of Terrible Checkpoint Conditions, The Struggle Podcast, January 26, 2015


What is burning, Amos Shocken, Haaretz Publisher discusses MachsomWatch, Army Radio (Galei Tzahal), February 3, 2015


Udi Segel interviews Amos Shocken and he repeats his appreciation for MachsomWatch, Radio Tel Aviv, February 6, 2015


Emily Amrussi mentions the activities of MachsomWatch, “The Source,” Channel 10, February 11, 2015


Yoaz Hendel, An Achievement for Israel in the  UN report on children in conflict areas, YNET, February 13, 2015


Amnon Lord, The Leftist Organizations Alight Antisemitism, NRG, February 13, 2015


Uri Misgav, Settler Group's New Video,Haaretz, February 14, 2015


London et Kirschenbaum, Interview with Amos Shocken, who talks about his appreciation for MachsomWatch, Channel 10, February 16, 2015


Varda Tzur, Letter to the editor, What sin did the New Israel Fund do?Haaretz , February 25, 2015


Raia Yaron, Letter to the editor: The dogs of oppression, Haaretz, March 5, 2015.


Yael Gvirtz, Carrying Signs and Breaking Barriers, Yediot Aharonot, March 8, 2015


Hanna Barag, Letter to the Editor, A United Jerusalem for the Jews, Haaretz , March 16, 2015


Ivonne Mansbach-Kleinfeld. Democracy, Direction and Social Movements in Israel, IEMed (Barcelona), March 15, 2015


Oren Yiftachel, In the West Bank there is Apartheid.  Not Occupation, Haaretz, March 17, 2015.


Raia Yaron, Letter to the Editor,  The Most Moral Army Arrives in Khalet Makhul, Haaretz , March 24, 2015


Dalia Golomb and Daniela Gordon, Responses: Fear of the Liberators, Haaretz, April 2, 2015


Maria M. Delgado, The Woman who Rescues Smiles at the Checkpoint, Palestina en el Corazon, Uruguay, April 8, 2015


Doron Halutz, The emergence of Samira Suraia: from a nurse to a film star (MachsomWatch is mentioned), Haaretz, April 16, 2015


Nir Hasson and Gili Cohen, Israeli Army closes off West Bank village after stone-throwing incidents, Haaretz, April 17, 2015


Daniella London, 7 Days,  Yediot Ahronot, April 17, 2015


Natasha Roth, Israeli army encloses 7,000 Palestinians in West Bank village, 972 Magazine, April 18, 2015


Nirit Anderman, Small land without a screw, interview with Shira Gefen (Ms Gefen remarks that her experience as a MachsomWatch volunteer inspired her to make her film Screw), Haaretz Gallery Magazine, April 24, 2015


Tal Rafael, The Funding Map: The Cash Flow from the EU to NGOs in Israel, NRG April 24, 2015.


Adela Genis, Interview with MachsomWatch Activist Ivonne Mansbach-Kleinfeld, El Punte Avui , May 2, 2015


Daphne Banai, Political and Military Power Must be Displayed, Haaretz, May 6, 2015


Kol Israel, Reshet B, Miri Krimolovski, niece of Ed Milliband said that his mother had said that if she was an Israeli citizen, she would join MachsomWatch, May 9, 2015


Uzi Baruch, Channel 7 INN News, Foreign Ministry Indirectly Supports Boycott of Judea and Samaria, http://www.inn.co.il/News/News.aspx/298787,May 20, 2015


Oded Lifschitz, Green Times, MachsomWatch Women, Early Morning at the Checkpoints, ‪http://www.kibbutz.org.il/cgi-webaxy/sal/sal.pl?lang=he&ID=3&act=show&dbid=pages&dataid=133780
, May 21, 2015


TG2, Italian TV, Report on MachsomWatch Tour, https://vimeo.com/129633160, May 27,2015


Lea Shakdiel, Haaretz, Arabic at the Lamed He’ Checkpoint, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2648619, June 1, 2015


Nir Baram, Haaratez, June 5, 2015


Snait Gisis, Letter to the Editor, Haaretz, Shutting our Seventh Eye, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2654212, June 7, 2015


Raia Yaron, Haaretz, A 48 Year Old Tale, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/.premium-1.2654219, June 7, 2015


Uri Misgav, Haaretz, The Organized Left, June 8, 2015


Raia Yaron, Letter to the Editor, Haaretz, Come Down From Your Ivory Tower, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2665296, June 22, 2015


Hanna Halevi, Letter to the Editor, Haaretz, Hurt Feelings, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2666085, June 23, 2015


Israel TV, Channel 7, MachsomWatch Women in Hebron, July 1, 2015


Yigal Sarna, Yediot Aharonot, The National Exterminator, https://igalsarna.wordpress.com, July 3, 2015


Ohad Hemu, Israel TV, Channel 2, The Battle for Access to a Palestinian Village, http://www.mako.co.il/news-military/security-q3_2015/Article-c46f8ce496f5e41004.htm, July 5, 2015


Tamar Fleishman, Letter to the Editor, Haaretz, Stoking the Fire, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2698797, August 4, 2015


Tom Frechi, Eshkol Region Newsletter, Issue #140, page 18, Travelling Far But Seeing Things Up Close, http://www.eshkol.info/1562-he/Eschol.aspx, August 4, 2015


Yifat Tau, Israel TV Channel 10, MachsomWatch Women Support the Dawabsha Family in Tel Hashomer Hospital, August 7, 2015


Shlomi Gabai, Walla, MachsomWatch Women stand vigil with the Dawabsha Family, August 12, 2015


Itay Vered, Israel TV Channel 1, Interviews MachsomWatch volunteers at the Za’atra Checkpoint, August 14, 2015


Nahum Barnea, Yediot Aharonot, MachsomWatch Women with the Dawabsha Family, August 14, 2015


Shlomi Eldar, Al Monitor (English), Isralei-Palestinian bridges crumble under sorrow, anger over Douma murders, http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/08/israel-machsom-watch-women-douma-dawabshe-family-solidarity.html, August 27, 2015


Shlomi Eldar, Al Monitor (Hebrew), Isralei-Palestinian bridges crumble under sorrow, anger over Douma murders, http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/iw/originals/2015/08/israel-machsom-watch-women-douma-dawabshe-family-solidarity.html, August 27, 2015


Yossi Verter, Haaretz, When Israeli Politicians Forget They Hold Public Office, http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politi/.premium-1.2707442, August 14, 2015


Nahum Barnea, Yediot Aharonot, On the Edge of Peace, August 14, 2015


Naomi Bentsur, Haaretz, Letter to the Editor, With Regard to Military Detaineesinfo-icon, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2709659, August 18, 2015


Yaron Enosh, Kol Israel Radio, Interview with Eliezer Yaari about MachsomWatch, August 21, 2015


Gideon Levy, Alex Levac, Haaretz, In the scorching heat of the Jordan Valley, without a roof over their head:  80 children lost their home in a single day, http://www.haaretz.co.il/magazine/twilightzone/.premium-1.2718091, August 28, 2015


Shlomi Eldar, Al Monitor, Israel Pulse (Hebrew), MachsomWatch Women Embrace the Dawabsha Family, http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/iw/originals/2015/08/israel-machsom-watch-women-douma-dawabshe-family-solidarity.htm,August 27, 2015


Shlomi Eldar, Al Monitor, Israel Pulse (English), Israeli-Palestinian bridges crumble under sorrow, anger over Douma murders, http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/en/originals/2015/08/israel-machsom-watch-women-douma-dawabshe-family-solidarity.html, August 27, 2015


Gideon Levy, Haaretz, Daphne Banai’s activism in the Jordan Valley, August 28, 2015


Ohad Hemu, Israel TV, Channel 2, Interview with MW Spokeswoman Raia Carmieli Yaron, September 1, 2015


Raia Yarom, Haaretz, Letter to the Editor, September 10, 2015


Sima Kadmon, Yediot Aharonot (Hebrew), Pain and Shame, September 11, 2015


Eliezer Rotem, Yediot Aharonot, Interview with MW member Hadas Carmi, September 18, 2015


Israel Channel 10, Sabbath Magazine, Interview with MW member Hadas Carmi, September 19, 2015


Alon Ben David, Israel TV Channel 10, 8 PM Broadcast, Interview includes MW Member Hadas Carmi, http://news.nana10.co.il/Article/?ArticleID=1147938&sid=126, September 11, 2015


Hilo Glazer, Haaretz Magazine, How did Sharren Haskel transition from a Peace Now activist to be the alternate of Danny Danon? http://www.haaretz.co.il/magazine/1.2736311, September 24, 2015


Moshe Cohen, Israel National News, Channel 7, Shaked Suspects Leftist NGOs Not Reporting ForeignFunding, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/201297, October 1, 2015


Nir Hasson and Barak Ravid, Haaretz, The Plan to Divide Jerusalem[1],

http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/.premium-1.2755660, October 19, 2015


Snait Gissis, Haaretz, Letter to the Editor, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2777647, November 16, 2015


Daphne Banai, Haaretz, Opinion (Hebrew), No School, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/.premium-1.2787280, November 29, 2015


Amira Haas, Haaretz (Hebrew), Like Sheep to the Separation:  The separation fence in the West Bank cuts off villages from towns, and towns from cities. Now, it is also separating nursing ewes from their lambs, http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/shabahit/1.2786648, November 29, 2015


Amira Haas, Haaretz (English), Like Sheep to the Separation:  The separation fence in the West Bank cuts off villages from towns, and towns from cities. Now, it is also separating nursing ewes from their lambs http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.689068, November 30, 2015


Daphne Banai, Haaretz, Opinion (English), What Happens When a Bedouin Builds a Gravel Path So His Kids Can Get to School on Rainy Days, http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.689305, November 30, 2015


Gideon Levy, Haartez, Even the doves weep at Al Hadidya, http://www.haaretz.co.il/magazine/twilightzone/.premium-1.2796497, December 11, 2015


Israel TV Channel 10, London et Kirschenbaum, Interview with MW Member Ruth Kedar, http://m.nana10.co.il/Article/1055909/, December 15, 2015


Noam Rotem, Mekomit, Testimony from the West Bank, http://mekomit.co.il/עדות-בקעת-הירדן/, December 16, 2015


Raia Yaron, Haaretz, Letter to the Editor, Silencing the Dissidents, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2800919, December 18, 2015


Odeh Bisharat, Haaretz (English), A Plant Named Occupation Has Grown Into a Deep-rooted Tree, When someone says something against the occupation, he is attacked as if he is the ultimate enemy of all Jews from the time of Moses to Yair Lapid, http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.692910, December 20, 2015


Odeh Bisharat, Haaretz (Hebrew), The Real Mole, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/.premium-1.2802525?=&ts=_1450787897659, December 21, 2015


Hanna Barag, Haaretz, Letter to the Editor, In the global village everything is revealed, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2804335, December 23, 2015


Omri Sadan and Zeev Kan, NRG, In spite of opposition NGO legislation will come to a vote, http://www.nrg.co.il/online/1/ART2/744/717.html, December 26, 2015


Aeyal Gross, Haaretz, Shoot the Messenger (Hebrew), http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politi/.premium-1.2807971, December 27, 2015


Jonathan Lis, Haaretz, Netanyahu Unlikely to Oppose Bill Aiming to Out Foreign-funded NGOs, The legislation, which opponents say unfairly targets left-wing organizations, is expected to receive the support of all the coalition's factions, http://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politi/.premium-1.2807258, December 27, 2015


Aeyal Gross, Haaretz, Israel's New Bill 'Marking' Leftist NGOs: Yet Another Attempt to Shoot the Messenger, Proposed law requiring heavily foreign-funded NGOs to wear tags in Knesset is further attempt to terrorize anyone dealing with human rights, http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.694149, December 28, 2015


Ziyona Snir, Haaretz, Letter to the Editor, There are also secular patriots, http://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/letters/1.2808837, December 28, 2015




Cohen, N. (2015). “Solving Problems Informally: The Influence of Israel’s Political Culture on the Public Policy ProcessPublic Administration, Governance, and Globalization, Vol 9.

Helman , S. (2015).  Challenging the Israeli Occupation Through Testimony and Confession: the Case of Anti-Denial SMOs Machsom Watch and Breaking the Silence, International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society.

Prof. Dalit Yasur-Borochovitz, Haifa University, Faculty of Law, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Being in and out of the consensus, Gender Aspects of MachsomWatch, Lecture at Women, War and Peace Conference

March 24, 2015


Dr. Thomas L. Geraty, Harvard University, “Israelis and Palestinians Know: the question is not ‘if’ but ‘when’ the next war, terrorist attack or disaster will occur,”

April 2, 2015


[1] The original article printed in the newspaper (page1 and page3) mentions Hanna Barag and MachsomWatch.  This article came about due to the fact that Hanna was present at the checkpoint and our spokeswoman alerted the press