ברטעה-ריחן, טורה-שקד

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צופות ומדווחות: 
רחלה חיות, לאה רייכמן (מדווחת)


06:10 – Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint, Palestinian Side

The line today is longer than usual.  Even I. is not behaving in his usual calm manner, and shouts at people who are pushing their way into line.  The inspectors are unable to keep up. One man tells us that his family had agricultural land close to Meggido and Hadera.  He went to visit with his mother and was reminded of the good old days when he worked as a gardener in a kibbutz.  


A girl who is being treated at Sheba Hospital crosses with her mother and they pass through immediately. The "angels" from Yuval's organization "Derech L'Hachlama" (The Road to Recovery) are waiting for them.  One man tells us about himself.  At age 14 he worked in a kibbutz as an artist.  He studied art in university and wants to continue his studies in Italy. He has a friend who has studied there.  Meanwhile, the line disappears and immediately grows again. A young man tells us that he left his documents at work.  His brother went to bring them and he can now cross.  We left feeling guilty for leaving people waiting in the long line, but we wanted to see what was happening at Tura.


07:15 – Tura – Shaked Checkpoint

We were told that the soldiers had already arrived at 06:15 but the checkpoint did not open until 07:00 because the computers were not working.  There is more than the usual number of people at the checkpoint today. There is a lot of activity and traffic of cars, workers, and school children traveling in both directions. Two girls who live in the lone house and attend school in Um-A Reihan are waiting for their ride to school. 


We left at 08:30