Beit Iba, Shave Shomron, Mon 21.4.08, Morning

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Francis T. Osnat R. Natanya translating.

7.35 Shave Shomron is deserted and locked up as usual. 
At Beit Iba there are about 6 cars in both directions.  The commander motions to people and speaks not particularly politely to move back and to stand two meters from the passage and to come forward one by one.  Because he forgot that there were women and children in the line a traffic jam ensued.  When we remarked on this he began to sign to the woman and elderly to bypass the line. Then another checking area was opened and then efforts were made to improve and to act more efficiently. Hardly any pedestrians leaving Nablus and only one turnstile open.

8.40 No line at the entrance. The military police began to clean up the checking area of those leaving and then all went over to the humanitarian line. This included the young men some of whom were checked bodily including a strip and this in place of the x-ray device.

9.00 4 buses with shouting and happy children arrive and pass quickly.
A hummer arrives and decides that the road to the checkpoint must be emptied of taxis and the drivers are angered at this effects their making a living.