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Tura/Shaked checkpoint 16.03.11
Photographer: Vivienne Silver Brody
Children on their way to school and kindergarten in Tura village used to cross the gate with the soldiers conducting only random checks. Today they were ordered to cross the CP through the inspection booth which includes metal detectors. They were frightened and refused to go through the inspection booth. At 10.00am the soldiers locked the gate and the booth and went on their break. The children did not attended school today.
Tura/Shaked checkpoint 16.03.11
Photographer: Vivienne Silver Brody
Until today children on their way to school and kindergarten in Tura village used to cross the gate while the soldiers were checking them randomly. Today they were ordered to cross the CP through the inspection boot which includes metal detector. They were frightened and refused to go through the inspection booth. At 10.00am the soldiers locked the gate and the booth and went on their break. The children did not attended school today.
Anin 12.03.07
Photographer: Neta Golan
Palestinian farmers waiting for the agricultural gate to be opened (late) to return home.
Anin 12.03.07
Photographer: Neta Golan
An old woman detained on her way back home to Anin.