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Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint Album

מחסום אל ג'יב: האם נעז להתקרב ברגל על הכביש
Photographer: Anat Tueg
מפת מחסומי צפון ירושלים
התנחלות אגן האיילות בדרך לחבור לגבעת זאב
Photographer: Anat Tueg
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev CP. 19.09.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
After waiting for a long time in front of the window and after being inspected inside a room, his number "31" is being checked again by another soldier.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev CP. 19.09.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Palestinians worker returning from their work have difficulties crossing the checkpoint with their tools and materials.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev CP. 19.09.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
A young man puts up his green ID and says "31" that's his number, he doesn't have a name. The soldier sits behind the tall window with a filthy glass. A long time passes. Then the young man enters the checking room, there he will be inspected. Afterward they will check his number in the notebook and finally let him through.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 01.04.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Tens of people stood cramped between two turnstiles on their way home. Only Palestinians workers employed in settlements are allowed to cross this CP.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 20.05.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 20.05.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
The differences in heights between the inspectors in the fortified post, who see the person in front/ beneath them through bullet proof and opaque windows, and the person inspected who is forced to stretch his body and lift his hand with the documents towards them, is often tens of centimeters. It's not only a difference in height, but an additional method to establish the hierarchy.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 20.05.12
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Abu Yonas coffee shop next to the checkpoint.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 01.04.12
Photographer: Tamar Fleishman
עמדת החייל מוגבהת גבוה יותר מגופם של הפלסטינים הנכנסים לאזור הבידוק, ולכן עליהם למתוח את גופם ולהרים את היד המחזיקה את ההיתר מעל ראשם.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 13.11.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
A young shepherd is leading his sheep between the olives trees behind the fence of the checkpoint.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 04.09.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
"We have to check with the DCO whether this man isn't refused passage then I will let him cross". The CP commander notified his supervisors on the radio with regard to a dying man who was being transferred to Mukased Hospital.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 09.10.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
A Jewish contractor and his Palestinian workers building a roof on top of the lane in front of the checkpoint. A generous sovereign makes sure that the heads of those who build houses for settlers on their own stolen land with their own blood, sweat and tears, don't get wet in the rain and don't scorch under the blazing sun. (MW report October 9.2011
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 24.07.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
The security company workers at the checking post.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 24.07.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Returning home.
Al Jib / Givat Ze'ev 24.07.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Palestinians workers on their way home.
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev" checkpoint 24.07.11
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Eunis' diner at the checkpoint.
תחנונים להיתר להתפרנס
Photographer: Esthi Tsal
One man was heading in the opposite direction. He approached the window which was set higher than him, then while placing his ID on the thick and dark glass, he shouted to the solider behind it: "It's me, it's me the Bedouin…"a side door opened, the man vanished in the room and later was seen on the other side, on the road leading south to the settlements "New Givon" and "Givat Ze'ev".
Al Jib/Givat Ze'ev checkpoint 27.03.10
Photographer: Vivi Sury
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Inside the checkpoint.
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Access to the checkpoint.
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Returning home at the end of the day.
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Returning home at the end of the day.
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Returning home at the end of the day.
Al Jib checkpoint 24.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Evening at the checkpoint.
Al Jib checkpoint 24.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
The soldier in the front post of the checkpoint.
Al Jib checkpoint 19.09.10
Photographer: Nurit Yarden
Al Jib checkpoint 19.09.10
Photographer: Nurit Yarden
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Returning home at the end of the day.
Al Jib checkpoint 17.10.10
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Returning home at the end of the day.