Qalandiya checkpoint Album
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Queues of Palestinians waiting in the afternoon to cross to Jerusalem to visit families as part of celebrating Id-el-Fiter.
Queues of Palestinians waiting in the afternoon to cross to Jerusalem to visit families as part of celebrating Id-el-Fiter.
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
The graffiti on this wall previously depicted a boy drawing an escape opening. The drawing has been modified in such a way that the "opening" in the wall is now filled with bricks - expressing the fact that the wall is unpassable.
The graffiti on this wall previously depicted a boy drawing an escape opening. The drawing has been modified in such a way that the "opening" in the wall is now filled with bricks - expressing the fact that the wall is unpassable.
Photographer: תמר פליישמן
Waiting for the humanitarian gate to open. The mother keeps ringing the intercom again and again.
Waiting for the humanitarian gate to open. The mother keeps ringing the intercom again and again.
Photographer: Dorit Hershkovitz
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Not allowed to approach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Not allowed to approach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women withchildrn trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women withchildrn trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Dorit Hershkovitz
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women and babies waiting to cross the first belt of soldiers on the way to the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women and babies waiting to cross the first belt of soldiers on the way to the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Father and son trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Father and son trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Dorit Hershkovitz
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women and small children waiting to cross the first belt of soldiers on the way to the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women and small children waiting to cross the first belt of soldiers on the way to the checkpoint.
Photographer: Dorit Hershkovitz
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Showing his green ID in an attempt to cross the checheckpoint..
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Showing his green ID in an attempt to cross the checheckpoint..
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Woman trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Woman trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan Women queueing to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan Women queueing to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Photographer: Yosi Y. ( a guest of MW )
Fourth Friday of Ramadan The lucky ones allowed to cross to Jerusalem - in the corridors leading to the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan The lucky ones allowed to cross to Jerusalem - in the corridors leading to the checkpoint.
Photographer: Yosi Y. ( a guest of MW )
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian woman trying to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Palestinian woman trying to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Palestinians waiting to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Palestinians waiting to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women waiting to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women waiting to cross the belt of soldiers in order to appoach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Yosi Y. ( a guest of MW )
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women queueing to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women queueing to cross the first belt of selection before approaching the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women pleading to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women pleading to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Photographer: Neta Efroni
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.
Fourth Friday of Ramadan. Women trying to cross the belt of soldiers in order to approach the checkpoint.